Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Keith and Nic's New Neighbors

If Keith an Nicole want to pop down to the pub for lunch and a ginger beer when they visit their new mansion at Sutton Forest, they won't have to go far! "Bunya Hill" is right next door to Sutton Forest Hotel, Where the locals are abuzz about media reports that Urban and Kidman have secretly bought the 130 year old mansion for a reported bargain price at 6.5 Million ummm to us that is NOT Bargain! But we are poor compared to Keith!lol "The regulars are all talking about it" Manager Kirsty Neilsen said "Theirs a far bit of intrest about it all". Although Bunya Hilldescribed as a private hilltop pub patrons have a fine veiw to the impessive two storey mansion from the bach verandah. some privacy that is! Pub patrons looking in at your house! But I am sure it is a nice place!

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